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War Widows Association,
New Delhi, India

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service.

I acted & behold, service was joy.

- Rabindranath Tagore

The Chairperson WWA, Dr. Mrs. V Mohini Giri, Padma Bhushan firmly believes that the nation needs constant loyalty, love and compassion for those who have sacrificed their lives safeguarding the motherland. Since 1971 though she and her team comprising of Veer Naries only did face many ups and downs but till date they are relentlessly working in the service of all other Veer Naries. Today they all proudly say that they are so happy and satisfied that they could give solace to the Veer Naries for more than a span of 52 years and could pull them out of the pain and agony they were facing then. With a spark in her eyes and belief in her heart Dr. Mrs V Mohini Giri always says, ‘’I am confident that the coming years would see the organization, touch every Veer Nari and follow our motto of serve & love”

War Widow Association is ‘A RAY OF HOPE’ for all those who need us. We welcome all Veer Naries with open arms as we share with each one of you ‘EK PYAAR AUR DARD KA RISHTA’ –. This is the vision of one of the oldest member of WWA, a Veer Nari and Vice- President WWA, Mrs. Raj Sharma. Another Veer Nari and President WWA Mrs. Damayanti V Tambay, decorated with Arjuna Award in 1970 is confident that this beautiful relationship when nurtured with ‘PATIENCE AND TRUST’ heals all the pain and misery we had and gives us the courage to move ahead. The team of the War Widow Association once cuddles you in their arms shall never leave you alone in the midst of the storm. With the passage of time we can ensure our bond will not only become stronger but immortal too.

War Widows Association has received its consultative status with ECOSOC which enables it to receive information and participate in all ECOSOC meetings at the United Nations, New York. In March 2017, Ms. Meera Khanna, Advisor WWA went to ECOSOC and gave presentation on war widows and their entitlements in India.

'All war and conflict widows across the country are advised to contact us incase of any need or help. The WWA would be glad to help them and take up any/all cases to the level where solution would be found'. Please note our postal address, email and telephone number for any future help.'


Telephone No. 01147015085
(Time :10:00 am -4:00 pm)
Note: Only working days (Monday - Friday)

We are a registered organization under the Society registration act of 1860 and our number is 5230 of 1971-1972.

Essentially a pressure group, we respond to queries and requests from war widows who want their rights to be honoured.
We play the role of a support group ensuring that widows and their families are able to access all their entitlements, pension and other benefits.

We are involved in:
• Counselling widows who have lost their partners in areas of conflict and war
• Representing war widows at National events organized in remembrance of those who have lost their lives in the service of the Nation
• Building relationships with ex-servicemen organization and other organization working for widows and other marginalised sections of society
• Keeping in touch with government departments dealing with rehabilitation and resettlement
• Raising funds for welfare programs for war widows and other marginalised communities for education and empowerment


Reach us


WAR WIDOWS ASSOCIATION, Shaheed Bhawan, 18/1, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110067, INDIA



We are a registered organization under the Society registration act of 1860 and our number is
5230 of 1971-1972.

Call or Email Us

Telephone No. 01147015085

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